TopoL xT
TopoL update
TopoL xT 10.0
TopoL xT 9.5
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TopoL xT 9.5

Here you can find installation of TopoL xT 9.5. Installations of TopoL xT single variants with hardlock, demoversion and free version are available. Do not install any other variant than the one which corresponds to your hardlock. Do not forget to install TopoL NT components.

During the installation you can select the language, which will be used during setup as well as for program language and default coordinate system settings.

Installation program includes also hardlock driver setup and MS Visual FoxPro ODBC Driver setup, which are required for TopoL xT functionality.

TopoL xT does not have any special system requirements.

description of changes and bug fixes

list of new functions, updates and bug fixes since version from 18th of March 2013

list of new functions, updates and bug fixes since version from October 2012


date: 2023–09–08

popis soubor velikost
Viewer Viewer.exe 32,04 MiB
Reduced Reduced.exe 32,05 MiB
Digit Digit.exe 32,04 MiB
Basic Basic.exe 32,04 MiB
Basic + Transformation in parts BasicTPC.exe 32,04 MiB
Basic + AutoGen BasicAuto.exe 32,04 MiB
DMT DMT.exe 32,04 MiB
Demo Demo.exe 13,66 MiB
TopoLík Topolik.exe ?
TopoL NT components NT.exe 37,41 MiB


TopoL xT does not have any system special requirements.

Download the installation file for your variant (Digit, Basic) as well as the installation file of TopoL NT components and run the installation. Follow the instructions during the installation.

installation on Windows Vista and 7