TopoL xT version 10.0
New text features
- We can have texts made in more styles in one table.
- Texts can have user defined DB attributes.
- Text object can have more lines
- There are new internal attributes of texts (scale, shift, etc…)
Text annotations
- There is new type of text tables. They are linked with other graphical
objects (points, lines, etc.)
- The text itself is defined as expression for that graphical object (e.g. DB
attribute, when DB attribute is changed, the text is changed)
- Position of this text is independent from linked graphical object (can be
outside of area for example)
Nested blocks
- Any block can be inserted inside of the block for editing. When the
insterted (nested) block is changed, the drawing in target block is changed too.
The source block can be inserted into targed block several times, each time with
different scale and rotation.
- Each object, line, point, area, text has got new attribute _scale, which can
influnce the size of the symbol.
- Formal names of tables. It does not have to be L????, P????, etc. but
any name.
- Area objects have got new attribute – border symbol.
- The block in this new format can be converted to block in old format. Some
attributes will be lost.
Text styles
- Text styles have got new attributes.
- When saving the block as, all text style libraries can be copied as well as
symbol libraries directly to block. When opening this block on other computer,
these libraries are used for displaying automatically.
User symbols
- The symbol size can be defined by expression (e.g. the size of the circle,
by number of inhebitents)
- When saving the block as, all symbol libraries as well as text style
libraries can be copied directly to block. When opening this block on other
computer, these libraries are used for displaying.
- When adding the symbol to library, the transfer is reloaded
- All editing tools (e.g. New line) have got new dynamic tool bars for
specific commands of that tool (e.g. Delete last vertex).
- New faster project tree
- Project tree check boxes now show if the table is or is not displayed in
active Map window. In the past it showed if the were or were not loaded.
- In the subcategories definition we can define if the lines in that
subcategorie will be or will not be topological, sololines etc.
- When we want to start editing, we can click on object first and then we can
decide which function we want to start with this object.
- The line can be edited as the list of coordinates.
- When we click on the object which is not in the block for editing, it can be
set for editing and we can edit that object.
- Labels with expressions %NumVertex, %XVertex, %YVertex, %Zvertex, are
displayed at each vertex of line or border of area.
- It is possible to display directly KML files (Google Earth).
- It is possible to display directly rasters in png format.
- Import of GPX format
- When we have the photographs with GPS coordinates inside, we can import
these coordinates as points into block. The DB atribute with name of the
photograph is created automatically.
- Export rasters into special MapInfo format.
- Export rasters into KMZ (Google Earth). We can also define that the rasters
will be tiled. So that they can be also used for example on Garmin GPS.
- WMS servers can be organised into groups and the selection is more
- GNSS instuments display also information about GLONASS and SBAS
- We can define the print area by rectangle without definition of
exact scale.
I want to test it
You can download and test TopoL xT.
Without hardlock it will work as demo version. It means that you can display all
supported data formats, but you can edit the TopoL block only up to the size of
500 objects (points, polylines, areas and texts together). Rasters can be
changed up to the size of 4 milions pixels. It is not possible to print in
scale. If you decide to buy TopoL xT, you can just order it and we will send you
the hardlock. You do not have to reinstall the program.